Poker playing, pants on fire and soccer debut

Ah finally nothing to do at work and thus time to update the faboulous monologues again. I have been waiting for this opportunity for days, but since my colleagues have kept me busy in a bad way I simply have not had time to do it.

The weekend was not as great as it could have been since the boozing and hunting was yet again cancelled. TATD had apparently boozed so much on the Friday so he vomited at work on the Saturday and thus was given an ultimatum not to come with an hangover to work more times.  Lacking a proper sidekick for boozing I had two choices sitting and being grumpy at my room and go to a colleagues place and play Poker, sober, a Saturday night. The poker went better than i Had expected so I did not lose any money although It could have turned into a great success if only Lady Fortune had wanted that.

Although an weekend completely lacking any form of opportunity to use my allure in seductive purposes one might still say that my pants was on fire. Sadly in a literal way after a failed attempt to dry them on a heater, but anyway!

Finally it's worth mentioning that I played my first soccergame this monday and almost singlehandedly managed to bring my side to a win in the Australian version of The Raven (Korpen) Sadly the level was far worse than when I played in Raven back home (under a fake name)  Anyway scoring both goals in the debut is a good sign, and hopefully the level will improve!

// Mastern


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