Broken Winning Streak, Boring games and tough instructor.

As I am currently at work, I do a temporary change of routine and write the monolouges in English, as Swedish without Swedish letters looks awfully ugly and incomprenhensible.

Well anyway what's new since last: Well for starter my Winning streak at Lasergame was broken. Last Friday I played seven games and only won the first, luckily I did not get a lousy position until the seventh game though at which point I was completly exhausted.  The most remarkable thing about Fridays Lasergame was the effect Alcohol had on "The Alcoholic Dance Teachers (TADT) " performance. Because after the fourth game we had a well deserved 30 minutes of rest and while I went to buy candy in order to raise my blood sugar TADT bought four doubles of Scotch instead. Usually alcohol impairs performance and reaction speed but on TADT the effect were reversed and thus he scored the highest score I have ever seen in Lasergame and won the fifth round. He beat Mastern in round six and seven, although not close to winning these rounds. Never before have i seen someone improve at Lasergame after sculling booze, in my World sculling booze only facilitates the hunting.

As I did not intend to booze the passing weekend I went to the ANZ Stadium to work in the bar. In my plans the Bar was at the stands with full visibility over the Stadium and thus the somewhat uninteresting Rugby game. In reality the bar was inside the arena with no visibility over the pitch whatsoever. Luckily the bar closed 15 minutes before the game finished so I watched the end of the game and can thereby cross off "Watch live sports in Australia"  from my "to do" list  As a work however it was completely pointless as the transport time was longer than the actual work time.

Finally it's worth mentioning that yesterday I got paired up with the instructor at yesterdays boxing class at the gym and thus I got the worst stomach pain after a gym visit since the Hybris moment in Sweden when I actually did everything the Terminator instructor said at a core class last autumn. 

See ya around.

// Mastern 


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