No retaliation possibilities and forfeited games.

In spirit of my ongoing internationalization I keep updating my blog in a foreign language. So what's new? Well the two main events of the week is the upcoming of hostilities without retaliation possibilities and TADT forfeitation of todays Lasergame showdown!

Well the most important of the two is the enemy where retaliation is impossible. It bugs me like hell. Although my reports indicates that the dissidents attack was a complete failure it's still a principle! If someone complains about you at the HR they attack you as a person. Luckily the attack was a failure as the HR more or less said "We honestly can't see the problem and we honestly dont care" according to my sources. As happy as I am having dodged that bullet I am still frustrated by my disability to come with an retaliation strike. As the apperently weaker force in a conflict I have to hide, and hiding is not a strategy I like to implement.

The other big happening of the week is the forfeited Lasergame showdown with TADT. After TADT-s impressive alcoholfrenzy last week where he beat me in three consecutive games I had a revenge to collect.  To improve the general performance TADT had even fixed us some obscure dietary supplement which apperently was the strongest stimulant that was legal in Australia! All in this was in vain as he apperently tripped and damaged his knee or something so I had to go field testing the stimulant myself. It's was working fine, but I still missed the most important factor of dominating: Someones face to rub your dominance in afterwards!

Well at least he agreed to join me for a hunting round tomorrow night. He also made a mockery of my score and said that he was far closer to three digits than I am. Well Let´s see tomorrow!

// Mastern


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