Poesiskrivning med mera..

Med total brist på händelser att rapportera om sen senast, men med ett visst sug efter att skriva något fick det bli en dikt istället.  Eftersom man ska anpassa budskapet efter målgruppen så fick den bli på engelska, förvisso inte lika briljant men tio gånger mer användbart.

Another Land

Time was running like time glass sand,

I put my life into destinies hand,

And set my sails for another land.

I met the beauty of your eyes so brown,

And in their gaze something was shown,

Something which I thought I never known.

For so long I had been a fool,

Not enjoying the hot and sparkling pool

That love is for a frozen soul.

Sitting at the beach and holding you tight,

I forgot about my eternal inner fight

And it illuminated my path with a divine light

Lying at the ocean gazing at the sunset,

I dream back to the days we first met,

Realizing what I really want to get.

This is the place where I belong.

And this is something, which I have waited for so long,

A connection between souls so strong.

I really hope it is not to late,

Because I know it was the spirit of fate,

And I saw you at heavens gate


// Mastern


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