Almost, failure for evolution theory, different work updates.

In my blog comeback I aimed for a two digit visitor count. I just fell short of that with 9 visitors.  Oh well I am sure I reach two digits some time, in some sense..:)

Another day at school, and I lightened it all up with my great perspective of evolution theory. It was when the teacher explained the term "bogan" (Aussie slang for white trash) That I came up with some truly amazing statements about evolutionary theory. According to the teacher a bogan was a woman who had like 8 kids with 8 different fathers.  From a societal point of view that is unemployed trash with a drinking problem who goes on welfare. From an evolutionary point of view. That woman is a true winner. From an evolutionary point of view a woman should have as many kids as possible with as many different fathers as possible to maximize her chance of gene survival. Darwin failed this day to the moral conservative creationist of class mates rabble but I will have to live with that. On a separate notice I know a woman who is almost halfway to bogan status with 3 kids with 3 fathers. But she is only 29, so she still have 15 years of child bearing ahead of her, to ultimately win the evolution..;)
As for the work updates there is a few:
I actually worked a day as "office assistant" last week. In reality I were moving chairs for 4 hours, but go the title since I interview for an office assistant role at that recruitment company a few months prior. When calling the recruiter to nag myself some more job, she appraised my great chair moving skills, and told me to call another guy. Upon calling the other guy he turned out to be on a holiday

After attending the induction for the company where I never work I thought that all was set for the free booze and the party. But no I had an E-mail about that I should do some boring online courses as well. Seems to be a lot of effort involved in going to company parties for places where you are employed but never work,






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