Annoying birthday and annoying game

My 28th birthday was an annoying day of my life. First of all some recruitment company actually called me... Twice... From a hidden number. As my room is situated in some kind of cell network blind spot, I could not really understand who I were talking to. But on the second call the woman said, "The Connection is still very bad, can you call me later when you are somewhere with coverage" and hung up. Of course this would be a viable option and a reasonable request... Provided of course that the person does not call from a hidden number..
This was just the first of a number annoying events this day. The second one came a bit later when I checked the score of my assessment. Apparently I missed the "HD" grade for one of the courses by two points. This was expected due to the horrendous grade on the first assessment but it's so annoying anyway. I mean "HD" is the highest grade, and not being the smartest kid in the storage facility for stupid kids, THAT is a bad thing!
Things did not get better as I missed a call from the work & travel company. The arrogant and annoying boss told  me that there was work on Monday and that I should call him back.. If you leave this kind of message, would not the least that could be expected of you be that the job is still available ten minutes later when someone actually call you back? I mean I would not object if I called him back three hours later, but ten fucking minutes? Seriously
Then began some heavy drinking which were followed by a tour down to the local pub. In my intoxicated state I thought it was a good idea trying to pick up women by showing them my blog. It is not! To be true I somehow managed to pick up minus 1 woman with this method which is some kind of negative achievement (For those questioning the apparent lack of logic, I sent a link to my blog to an online date I were supposed the day after, but who turned out to be impossible to reach)
Today it was time to play my first 90 minute game for a long time. 
The best with this game was the pic of me I posted one facebook before the game. Finally I managed to get more likes with an update than the yellow bathing duck I posted a few months ago.  The annoying thing was my own performance as well as the team performance. I were bad, some were even worse and we lost a game by 0-3 to an over 35 team. I honestly don't think we managed to have three passes to the right address in a row for the entire game. 
Well I guess we can only improve as a team, there is only one way up from this after all.. ;)
// Mastern


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