Dedicated reader, semiprofessional players and failed follow up research.
When viewing the visitor statistics for my blog I noticed a peculiar phenomen. That the "Read entries" graph were a lot a higher than the "numbers of visitors" graph. Usually these graphs have pretty much the same number, let's say the total numbers of entries read is 8, well then maybe the number of visitors shows 6, so every visitor read in average an entry or two. But for the last entry it was different; the numbers of visitors were 6 but the number of entries read were 25. This confuses me as the logical explanation for this is that someone out of a sudden got the idea to read 20 straight entries in this blog. Since my blog is not twitter and every entry is pretty long this must have taken some time. So who is the one that all of a sudden has taken a large interest in my life?
Moving on to yesterdays soccer practise. Since only eight people showed up we invited three randoms guy in the park to join the practise. I and another guy from the team joined up with the random guys which turned out to be a great move since the three random guys were former semiprofessional players from England. To be one man short and still win the matches with like 10-1 is pretty fun, although it can't have been that fun for the other six guys. The semiprofessional players did not want to join our club do to the joining though, but I guess if we keep losing to over 35 teams we'll have to convice the club board to let some good players join for free.
Last and least important I did some statstical research on the website hot or not. The background is that I try to prove to my housemate the Selfproclaimed Master Hunter (SMH, now that the Swedish House Mafia has split up, the abbreviation would be available?) that my excellent work
A proposition for a rating system regarding physical attractiveness
is far superior to any of the scales guys usually use to rate physical attractiveness. The 1-10 scale is bizarrily flawed in it's whole construction which is why I created a better scale in the first place.
The Research
Oh anyway back to the point. On a 1-10 scale, the average girl (or more importantly the median girl) would be rated 5.5, My research after studying 200 entries however showed that the median girl was rated 7.0 at the site. Furthermore the low quartile would be at 3.25 (The limit for being among the ugliest 25 %) while my studies showed the actual value on the site to be 5.57. Finally the high quartile would be at 7.75 (the Hottest 25 %) while the actual value was 8.0. Thus my conclusion was that all girls where rated to high on the site but especially ugly and average girls had too high values.
I did the same sampling for men, but due to research problems only 47 entries where checked. The findings however where interesting. The median man had a rating of 5.16 which is a lot closer to the expected value of 5.5. The lower quartile for men was 4.0 for men which is closer to the real value of 3.25 but still a bit high. Finally the upper quartile for men was 7 which was lower than the expected value of 7.75
So to summarise, the average woman were rated as high as an attractive man, while an ugly woman were rated higher than an average man. This proves with all due certainty that the rating system on a site like hot or not is flawed beyond reckoning and my own rating system based on weighted averages are a superior tool to use.
Research problems
Sadly the site had several flaws that made it impossible to make any statistically valids arguments, below I will list a few:
- Pictures of the same persons came up at several times, this upsets the statistical balance as we preferably would only use the rating of every person once.
- Many of the women lacked an average due to few votes. For the men this was a clear majority. This created a great uncertainity as these people could not be counted in the statistics which ruined most of the validity
- The easyness to manipulate the score. With few voters on every pictures it's easy to ask a few friends to give a picture a good score. The site even suggested people to do so under the tab "Boost your rating"
If you have any comments or any questions you are free to discuss these with me on facebook. In the unlikely event that you are reading this blog but don't have me on facebook you are free to leave a comment under the comment section in this blog.