Caffeine and Sugar detox.
The last week has not been very inspiring at all but I reckon that I did manage to get one important thing done; I have got my body detoxed from caffeine and sugar. Well basically I do not have ambition to quit eating sugar or drinking coffee in the long run, but I felt the need to cut down a lot after eating bags of candy, lots of soft drinks, lots of energy drinks and coffee on a daily basis. Since I don't believe in my ability to cut down with moderation I reckoned that a total stop for some weeks would be a better approach. As one can see from the picture below, there is no reason to stop using caffeine completely for the rest of my life anyway.

I had my doubts this Tuesday whether I should proceed with the detox, following the suicide of my friend; but I consulted with my peers and reckoned that since the week would suck anyway I might as well do something useful with it.
My findings on the subject is that Caffeine withdrawal is a lot stronger than sugar withdrawal. I have had headaches all week; peaking at Wednesday and the gradually declining. In many ways caffeine withdrawal is similar to smoking weed in my opinion. Both weed smoking and caffeine withdrawal gives me headache, sleepyness, lack of concentration and vivid dreams. I don't like any of them so in my opinion they can keep banning weed as long as they make the stuff I like legal..;)
But now it feels like the headaches will soon be gone, and I feel positive that the weekend and the weeks to come will be a lot better than the week that passed.
//The Master