Scoring without playing well, Dilemmas and funeral picture.
At today's soccer game I scored my first goal of the season. That was the my only highlight of the game as we had yet another loss. Contrary to the last two games we were not even close to winning and that the score ended 1-3 was more flattering for us than for them. I can't really outline why we played bad today, but the first half was horrendous and the second was a lot better.
As for myself I am discontent with my perform except for the goal. The goal was awesome a good run, a good pass and a good finish. But the rest of the game I was not friend with the ball which I seldom am, But I did not have the energy to do the runs and do the work either. Simply a shit game I guess, but good to get the goal at least.
As the man of the match I appointed Damiano for supplying me with the pass to my goal. Objectively it should probably be someone in the defense, as we were not hammered although we did not play good at all; but I simply can't decide on who else to pick?
When on the topic of picking I am having a minor dilemma on how to proceed with my hunting/love life. Because this weekend I met up with both the hot woman from earlier this week and also with a woman I went on a date with a few weeks ago. The latter was more standard attractive but she a lot more interesting personality. Oh well after consulting with my advisors I decided that I don't need to decide now, and following experience from life this far I will probably mess things up badly enough so I'll never have to decide..:P
From a logical point of view however, I would go after the standard attractive woman woman as I know from experience that strong feelings can make someone a lot hotter. Oh and by the term standard attractive I refer to a position around 70 % of the looks scale from my point of view, so it's still a positive term. :)
Finally: The funeral of my friend the Acid Santa was this Friday. Since it was in Sweden I did not attend as I don't want to go back there, and I cannot afford to buy a return ticket just for the sake of it. I do however choose to publish a picture from the ceremony which one of my friends back home took.

//The Master