Scoring without playing well, Dilemmas and funeral picture.
At today's soccer game I scored my first goal of the season. That was the my only highlight of the game as we had yet another loss. Contrary to the last two games we were not even close to winning and that the score ended 1-3 was more flattering for us than for them. I can't really outline why we played bad today, but the first half was horrendous and the second was a lot better.
As for myself I am discontent with my perform except for the goal. The goal was awesome a good run, a good pass and a good finish. But the rest of the game I was not friend with the ball which I seldom am, But I did not have the energy to do the runs and do the work either. Simply a shit game I guess, but good to get the goal at least.
As the man of the match I appointed Damiano for supplying me with the pass to my goal. Objectively it should probably be someone in the defense, as we were not hammered although we did not play good at all; but I simply can't decide on who else to pick?
When on the topic of picking I am having a minor dilemma on how to proceed with my hunting/love life. Because this weekend I met up with both the hot woman from earlier this week and also with a woman I went on a date with a few weeks ago. The latter was more standard attractive but she a lot more interesting personality. Oh well after consulting with my advisors I decided that I don't need to decide now, and following experience from life this far I will probably mess things up badly enough so I'll never have to decide..:P
From a logical point of view however, I would go after the standard attractive woman woman as I know from experience that strong feelings can make someone a lot hotter. Oh and by the term standard attractive I refer to a position around 70 % of the looks scale from my point of view, so it's still a positive term. :)
Finally: The funeral of my friend the Acid Santa was this Friday. Since it was in Sweden I did not attend as I don't want to go back there, and I cannot afford to buy a return ticket just for the sake of it. I do however choose to publish a picture from the ceremony which one of my friends back home took.
Lasertag place without lasertagging, and scoring with horrible external circumstances.
Thursday night I went on an online date with an uncharacteristic approach: Being withdrawn and non-physical and focus on the talking. The reason for this approach was not a stroke but the fact that I had a second date with another girl booked in on the Friday night.So after starting off at the Coogee bay hotel, which by the way is a horrible place for first date, (a sterile sports bar which at the time was broadcasting replays of Rugby games) We decided to make the move to the lasertag place, since she apparently liked paintball. To my dismay there was no-one playing lasertag there so we just had a drink instead.
But yeah, all in all it was a pretty good time. She had some interesting things to say and she looked pretty good as well. If gender roles were reversed she would be very attractive; as she had good looks and was really successful in her career.
From my perspective a woman's love prospects can actually be hampered by being really successful as a lot of women seems to want a man that is at least as successful as themselves. And this attitude causes trouble. Because let's face it: Since a woman attractiveness does not increases with a pay raise, from $50000 p.a. to $100,000 p.a for instance. but a man's does she is simply hunting over her league if she wants a man who makes as much as she does.
Let's put this to an example. Amy and Pete both make $50,000 per annum and are both scored 70 units of attractiveness on 100 unit scale. They are thus a good match since no-one would have to settle below their standard. Let's assume that Amy's attractivness is divided into two parts personality and looks and they both attribute to 35 points each of her attractiveness. Pete's 70 units on the other hand is divided in three parts looks personality and money/success where each contribute to 23,3 units of attractiveness.
Let's first assume that Amy get a pay rise and now makes $100,000 per annum, this will not change her attractiveness at all as money/success is not a factor on the female attractiveness scale (It could of course be argued that if a woman is extremely poor; starving and losing teeth due to malnutritition this could impact her attractivness so money/success must have some limited importance on the female attractiveness as well) Since she and Pete is still objectively as attractive they will still be a good match. But if Amy has the flaw, that many successful women seems to have, that she is only attracted to men that make the same or money than she does well then she would not be attracted to Pete if they were to meet.
Let's now assume that Pete gets a raise and now makes $100,000 per year as well. This will increase his success/money component from let's say 23.3 to 28.3. Thus his total attractiveness will be 75 out of 100. Amy surely will be interested at this stage, but Pete will not be very interested in her as he objectively can do better.
Of course the example above is highly constructed and far from everyday life as humans don't know their exact attractiveness. Furthermore beauty is in the eye of the beholder so finding an objective attractiveness is far from easy. But the point of my example is simply to illustrate that a woman would not score a hotter man from a pay raise but a man would score a hotter woman from a pay rise. Women who believe they can score very attractive men just because they are making much money are seriously deceiving themselves.
Now, that things did not take off at all between me and the Thursday date should not be attributed to her at all. Being that withdrawn and passive as I was, well it's not very masculine at all. Or to refer to life in general, Who makes the initiative to the first kiss, first sex and so on. It must the man in at least 90 per cent of the cases.
Oh well, on the Friday night it was time for second date with
girl from the failed interview.. Needless to say I was a lot more active and physical during this encounter.:) After drinking the best and most expensive hot chocolate I have ever had I suggested that we should get a room so we could get to know each other better. The offer was declined instead we played pool where I won three out of games on default (she put the black ball in the hole too early) She actually won the fourth game by putting the black ball in the hole at the appropriate time. This proves that the best way to win a pool match if you are really lousy is just to avoid hitting the black ball at all cost and hope the opponent wins the game for you.
Anyway. around midnight she realized that she indeed wanted to get to know me be better. Problem was that she was sharing a room and so am I.So that's one of the circumstances you appreciate the existence of public toilets. (Most commonly you appreciate this when you are using the toilet for the purpose it's built.) So in a way awesome to get to know her better, but the external circumstances took half the fun out of it. So if anyone reading this has access to a decent room with a double bed and is an attractive woman don't hesitate to let me know..:)
Needless to say I did not do my greatest work during the circumstances, but what puzzled me the most was that she told me afterwards she had a boyfriend for four years once and he never made her come. I have heard this story a few times before but I just can't get how anyone can be that lousy in bed? I mean seriously if one is that bad at using one's penis one can always compensate by using the tongue at the sweet spot and two fingers? It's not exactly nuclear science. Furthermore I can't understand how anyone can live through that hell for four years? I mean if I had to finish myself off every time I had sex with a girlfriend. I would definitely call it a quits long before that! I mean a few weeks or a month for calibration could be okay, but if someone can't learn in a very long time, then are simply not trying hard enough!
From hearing her sad life story I gave her a promise. That if she gave me a night in a private room with no distractions and some alcohol; I would make her come..:) If not I would hire a huge black man with a huge penis to do the job. Since she claimed she did not like huge black men, she better make it or fake it! ;)
//The Master
Best failed employment interview ever..
Today I went to a pointless and meaningless employment interview and it made me so pissed off! The reason being that yesterday they called me and offered me an interview time. I was unsure what job it was for but it still seemed like a good idea so I accepted. When I arrived at the scene it turned out to be a group interview for those people that harasses people on the street all the time. I found this a very insulting and provocative behaviour. Because if someone call me and book a time with me this should indicate some form of interest right? This event might lead to me cancelling other plans (this was not the case today but it could have been) . Then it's the fucking responsibility of the recruiter to tell me over the phone that it is just a group interview and they call everyone.
So to summarise I am not all against the concept of group interviews as long as I am aware of the circumstances, so I don't go if I have something better to do.
Oh well after filling in a form with seriously stupid questions which answered with seriously stupid answers (Definitely not a smart move, but I was pissed off) the time for the group interview started. And it was the same son of a bitch interviewing as last time I went to one of these occasions for another company. (I was not offended that time though as that company at least had the sense to tell me it was a group interview in advance) Needless to say I was not prince charming at this stage when my inner voice told me to rage and tell the smug son of a bitch that he could go fuck himself( I did not)
But in the elevator came the event the shifted the day to a positive outcome and made it the best failed interview ever. An attractive woman who also failed the miserable group interview started talking to me. She used a classic female passive hunting technique I.E. ask about something completely unintersting and see if the guy makes the move. The concept of this technique is based on the fact that most women takes initial rejection a lot harsher than men does and by just asking a random question they can simply feel that they were not hunting at all if things went down the drain. Oh well if an attractive woman is using passive hunting technique on me, of course I am picking up the trail. So I asked if she wanted to have a drink and of course she did.
After drinking a few drinks my hunter seeker sense indicated that the woman wanted to kiss me, So I made a failed attempt, as she claimed she did not kiss on first date and so on. This could have smashed my morale completely on a low selfesteem day; but today was not one of those days and I knew my read was right. So some time later we went to a park and we kissed under the stars instead.. Awesome. :) The night continued to be awesome as she realized it was cold outside but she had sauna and spa where she lived.
I have not been in sauna or a spa since I left Sweden so this was a nice comeback..:) It was also nice to realize that she had an awesome body as she had been a lingerie model back in Lithuania. Surely she had shown pictures of this earlier during the night but somehow business attire does not do the female body justice! Also her face seemed more or less water proof I.E her generally apperance did not detertoriate a lot when the water made her lose her make-up. The only bad thing about the night was that she was against sex on first dates. Unlike the "not kissing on first date" rule which seemed like a test of confidence this rule really seemed legit so I decided to not push things. I was helped in this cause by the fact that there was other people in the area which would make any attempt pretty inappropriate..:)
All in all a great night and the first woman in a month I have a genuine interest in seeing again. Hopefully it will go better this time
than last month..:)
//The Master
No scoring and no Romeo.
Today it was game day with Queens Park. It ended with yet another loss but for 20 minutes it actually looked really good. That was the 20 first minutes of second half when we turned 0-2 to 2-2 and it felt like the mental wall of having 0 points after six games played was finally about to break. Then a guy in our team scored a really unnecessary own goal (Under no pressure one should really be able to clear a ball better) we lost all spirit and lost the game with 2-4.
What I will probably remember from this game is that I managed to get knocked down twice. The first time was the rugby player in the opposing team hit me with an elbow on the nose. I don't think it was intentional though because if that huge beast actually tried knocking me out with an elbow he would probably had broken my nose. My second knockdown was when I was heading the ball and another guy came in two seconds later and just mauled me. I got so annoyed when the referee for some reason did not show that guy his second yellow card, but that ref was seriously a chapter for himself refeereing like it was woman's football and at the same time forgetting his deck of card at home (I.e minimal touch free kick, knocking someone down, still only free kick)
As for my performance it was average. I was not the champion of the team in this game and I was not the anchor who pulled us down the depths either. I voted for Laurie as the man of the match. mostly as a friendly gesture, as his fiancee unfortunately saw him play last game which drastically had decreased his attractivness to her.So I promised him that if he was not horribly bad and no-one else was really good he would get my vote. Hopefully he showed his fiancee the stats from todays MOM poll where he has at least one vote; hopefully this will make her very aroused. If this scenario actually falls through I have through my selfless actions effortlessly improved the life of one my peers; how awesome that would be. :)
As for the anchor of the team this was obviously Josh whom out of consideration for the feelings of our opponents assisted two of their goals. Of course if you just counts the absolute number he had better stats than I did as he had -2 assists while I had +1. If you are using absolute numbers the plus and minus sign does not matter.
Oh anyway later on the day I went to an online date. My hopes for this was not great as my latest two online dates had been absolutely dreadful and on top of that I had a headache no doubt connected to the prior hits to me head during the game. The only thing speaking for this actually being a good date was the thing that she came from Asia and was named Julia; the same name and race as last time I got laid. I was thinking when I did the pre-writing of this entry in my head earlier today that if I actually got laid with another Julia I would call myself Romeo for a while. As it turns out I can keep calling myself the The Master.
Not to say that it in any way went bad. It definitely had its moments as she looked better than I expected. She also referred to me as intelligent good-looking and funny. But then came the problem; she claimed she was the kind of girl who liked to take things slow. Glacially slow. I would rather have her say "You are stupid boring and ugly, but I wanna fuck you anyway" than all the compliments and the the glacially slow thing. Of course there is a huge risk that I would be heavily offended if she opened with the hypothetical opening above and thus miss out the important information also given.
Tomorrow I am going on a date with another woman on one of those dates that works out so great in my brain and so horrible in reality. Lasertag and bowling at Strike Bowling. In my brain after playing Lasertag for a few hours she will be so aroused by seeing how good I am so she would see it as a great honour to take me to her bed for a night of passion. I mean I am sure that every reader of this blog would agree that three hours of lasertag followed by a night of sex is vastly superior to three hours of talking and no sex?
// The Master
Unsurpassed cheapness and RCG course
First of all the answer to the cliff hanger of my last entry; did the Master Hunter manage to pick up and lay the only woman at the gay bar? No he did not apparently she remembered that she had a “boyfriend” after a few hours. Better luck next time!
And so to the title of this entry about unsurpassed cheapness; a friend back home is gathering money for a flower arrangement from Acid Santa’s friends for the funeral. He suggested some flowers which would cost $40 a head which some people found “far too much” I find this attitude disgraceful and an example of unsurpassed cheapness. Since its tradition to bring expensive flowers to a funeral one has to just suck it up and pay instead of disgracing oneself.
From a logical point view I think the entire concept of funerals is useless. Spending a lot of time and money arranging a function that will not make anyone happy, why is that tradition?
When it comes to traditions I have identified a major difference between Sweden and English speaking cultures; the attitude to marriage. In Sweden people usually don’t marry unless there is a reason to do so, I.E. to buy a wife from Asia. My sisters had children with guys and were with them for like ten years without ever getting married. (They still have children but they are both separated from the fathers to the children) The same pattern I see with a lot of people back home that simply does not get married. Of course some people actually do get married but the ones I knew got married in front of their close family in let’s say Thailand and did not spend three months of planning and half their annual salary in order to host the perfect function in order to prove to everyone that they are the perfect couple.
I don’t know why people would do that. I mean I can see two reasonable reasons for doing so.
1. It’s part of the English speaking culture and thus expected from them.
2. They have serious doubts about the relationship and try to convince themselves by convincing others.
For the first reasons I would argue that there is no point in putting all that pressure on oneself just to meet some untold expectations from one’s peers. As reason however it’s a lot better than reason 2 is. As for reason 2 it would be interesting to find out if there is a negative connection between the happiness in a marriage and the relative wealth spent on the marriage (relative wealth as it’s a lot bigger deal for an average worker to spend $20k on a wedding than it would be for a multimillionaire) I think there is and if there is actually research on the subject I would be happy to read it.
As for my own experience there was a Swedish community site for teenagers called Lunarstorm which was similar to MySpace back in the days when it was more appropriate for me to hunt on teenagers. I think in total I slept with like 8 woman from that site which makes it far superior to any site both before and after. 3 of these women had profiles dedicated to prove the point that woman in question had such a great relationship with her boyfriend which she apparently was cheating on. I have also seen loads of more recent examples of people exaggerating how good their relationships are in social media just to see it collapse a house of cards just a short while later. Conclusion: If someone is exaggerating how great their relationship is its most likely going to collapse shortly; No-one who actually believes in their relationship is that desperate in convincing third parties how good it is, they are too busy enjoying it.
Among other events this week I can mention that I went to a RCG course (responsible conduct of gambling) basically a course that allow one to work in a bar that has gambling machines. A paper that might come in handy I reckoned, but only future will tell. Oh well for all those who have been fortunate enough to miss out on this great course this is the summary.
You pay $65 to listen to a boring guy bore you death with the mantra “gambling is baaaad, mmkay?” This nightmare could have been over in five minutes enabling the guy to wash his car or whatever he does for fun. But no it went on for 8 hours! But unlike the equally dreadful RSA course “Alcohol is baaaaad mmkay? “The RCG course does not expect staff to do anything so it’s ten times more useless. So the Learning point from 8 hours of RCG course is: If someone comes up to you and complains about have gambled away all his money: Offer him a brochure with a number he can call to whine about his problems. Also offer him to sign a non-committal ban list to your venue.
// The Master
The Master showed the way, but the Master Hunter got the last word?
Yesterday it was time for bowling and lasertag. From my house: I, Master Hunter, American Fisherman and his Italian roommate was going. Before going there The Master Hunter and The Fisherman bought a box of goon, and I was "persuaded" to have some glasses with them on the way there and while at the venue (yep they smuggled the cask into the place) Well most of the times they failed at their persuasion attempts anyway so no considerable amount of ethanol fell down my throat last night.
On the way to the venue we ended up in the with the same retarded discussion as I have had with a lot of people throughout the years. It's apparently a common belief that the drug ethanol has completely different effects if it's a component in beer or wine or whatever. This is a popular myth which I never have heard anyone actually motivate. Because what would be the active components in beer the make alcohol intoxication of beer different from the alcohol intoxication of wine? I say none!
Now some smartass will claim that they get a lot drunker from say 5 Sambuca shots than they would from 5 beer. This is true for most practical reasons but have nothing to do with different drinks giving different intoxications. Because one could easily skull 5 sambuca shots in like 10 minutes and get heavily intoxicated in a short period. It's a lot more challenging to drink 5 beers in 10 minutes due to the massive amount of water one has to swallow in the process. But to real find out whether Sambuca for instance give another form of intoxication than beer, one would have to water down 5 sambuca shots so they have the same ethanol contents as 5 beers. And then drink them at the same pace as one would drink 5 beer. The results would most likely be that it's the exact same form of intoxication! I am sick of explaining that if the active ingredient is the same, the administration method is the same, then the flavour has nothing to do with the actual effect of the drug!
Note: In some cases however there are more than one active ingredient, As with Absinthe for instance, and in those cases it will obviously be a difference between drinking Absinthe and beer for instance..
Oh well back to the events of last night! We arrived a bit later than I had hoped for so we only had time for 2 games of bowling and 2 games of Lasertag. At bowling we all sucked but the Master Hunter sucked a bit less than the rest of us, so he won. I finished at not so honourable second place with a dismal score. At the Lasertag I had such awesome rounds! Highly unexpected the place was packed with people so there was a lot of targets. :) I scored an awesome 18302 points both rounds (A strange coincidence that I got the same points both rounds, anyways it equals 2 bases and 163 kills in 15 minutes) With a score like that it was a superior victory and no-one else crossed the 10000 point mark. The Master Hunter did pretty well and finished second one of the games with like 9,000 points. The Italian scored a really good accuracy and also did well. The American Fisherman sucked bigtime and claimed Lasertag was a lame gay game, in attempt to move focus from his sub-par performance.
Fueled by his goon induced intoxication the Master Hunter led a hunting party down to Oxford Street.Why he led the party into a gay bar is beyond me, but as it seemed it went better for him than my earlier horrible attempts at hunting women in gay bars. I don't know if he actually managed to nail the only woman in the gay bar, as I was not curious enough to stay. So I left when at the same time the Italian hoisted the white flag to initiate a retreat back home. I could however determine from my position that her body language indicated attraction towards him, which by all means is just the first step, a step one can easily be able to fall off pretty quickly; at least from my own experience. However if the Master Hunter managed to pick up the only woman in the gay bar, it's for sure yet another tally to his record. I guess we'll find out in due time.
//The Master
No cliff jumping, theoretical discussions a goal but still a loss
Yesterday I was out exploring Rose Bay with the Master Hunter and the Fisherman. We found a secluded place and decided to explore further. Among the masculine things we did one can mention:
· Walking barefoot on slippery cliffs full of pointy mussel shells. Auch!
· Snorkelling outside of the shark nets
· Climbing a 20 meter high cliff without assistance (This is obviously a lie, in reality we climbed about 5 meters with the assistance of the rope that was strategically placed there.)
Anyway when it came to the great showdown of masculinity we all bailed out. The reason for this was the low tide. It’s one thing to jump off a cliff 13 meter above the sea level and fall down in 5 meter deep water (which the Master Hunter claimed to have done a few days earlier) and a completely different thing to jump 15 meters down into 3 meter deep water. The first scenario is cool and relatively safe, the second scenario is reckless and probably pretty dangerous. As I sat at the top of the world the Master Hunter took a picture of me showing what a great adventurer I am. Sadly he pictured me as a great gay adventurer, so he did a sloppy Photoshop thing with the pic and inserted a gay Asian into the pic. Since he is actually working in the field I am sure he could do better if he wanted. Anyway here is the pic if anyone is curious.

As the great minds we are we spent the night discussing various theoretical topics. The first one was physics where I am sure I am right. The Master Hunter claimed that the speed something will fall with if thrown from a high height is dependent on the weight of the object. This is however not the case. The only thing that matters is the density and the shape of the object. So a 1 kilo iron ball will fall with same speed as a 100 kilo iron ball if thrown from an airplane provided that they have the same shape. After enlightening him with the fact that tests about this has been made since the renaissance, he finally gave in and realized this basic law of physics. When it came to another matter however we could not meet an agreement. The Matter was: How much of a man’s attractiveness that stems from money/power. According to some sources it’s 50 % of a man’s total attractiveness that stems from this source while the Master Hunter claimed it was only 10 %. I believe money and power is an important part of a man’s attractiveness although it would benefit my current situation to believe what the Master Hunter believes.
Obviously this is a very tricky question to solve empirically. One could of course ask a lot of women but most likely they will answer the politically correct answer; i.e. personality. And anyway to ask a person about their values is bullshit anyway as the only way to figure out a person’s actual values is through observing their behaviour. So what observations do I have that indicates that money/power is an aphrodisiac for men? Well for starters it seems very common that old and rich men are with a lot younger women. Another evidence is that famous musicians that have both money and power (Power over the mind through being the centre of attention for like 50,000 persons) can basically just point at a woman he want to fuck at the concert and then fuck her. Since a lot of these musicians look awful this is another true indicator of the variables importance. A third indicator is what happens to the average white guy when he goes to some third world country where he is relatively rich. In my experience women come from everywhere sucking up to one in those countries and since I can’t be a lot hotter all of a sudden it must be due to my perceived wealth. It’s not for nothing that despised outsiders from the Western world goes to Asia to “buy a wife” when they realize that their relationship prospects back home looks hopeless.
When it comes to the “buy a wife” theme I have realized something about myself. That my prejudices against white/Asian couples reasonably would not apply to Australian conditions. You see in Sweden when you see a man with an Asian woman, one can safely assume that the guy is a loser who saw no option but to buy a wife in the Asia. For sure there a shitloads of immigrants in Sweden but most of them is from the Middle East practising the “peace loving religion” so it’s highly unlikely that an Asian and a white becomes a couple under normal circumstances. In Australia however it would seem pretty likely that this would occur considering how many Asians that are around here.
Moving on to today’s game that was kind of an inverse of the other games. We actually scored a goal and our goalie sucked so we lost anyway. In most of our games this far we have hardly touched the ball and our goalie has been the man of the match saving us from humiliation. But today however we should have won but sadly the finishing of our forward Pistol Pete (I should probably not call him Pistol as he can’t shoot at all. The goal he scored he ran with the ball into the goal more or less) Since we Missed heaps of chances and our normally good goalkeeper had an identity crisis believing he was a female goalkeeper at two occasions; we lost with 1-2. The reference to a female goalkeeper is because both the goals we conceded where high and slows balls that a goalkeeper really should save. For some reason that is beyond me that kind of goal is one of the most common one in female soccer.
As the man of the match I would appoint Pete. His running and speed made sure that we for the first game in the season had an attacking game plan and actually came to goal scoring opportunities; sure his finishing was dismal, but to be appointed as the man of the match in this team one does not have to make a brilliant effort. As for myself I played attacking midfielder and it went a lot better than last week. The highlights were all the good passes I got to Pete. The frustrations were two: my feet and legs were sore (hard pitch and body pump day before to blame) and the guy in my team that always calls for the ball even though he is not good position. If someone calls for the ball my attention will automatically go to that person. If it then turns out that the person calling for is either impossible to pass or in stupid position I will lose momentum and the ball. I mean it is common sense to only call for the ball when actually in a good position.
// The Master
Caffeine and Sugar detox.
The last week has not been very inspiring at all but I reckon that I did manage to get one important thing done; I have got my body detoxed from caffeine and sugar. Well basically I do not have ambition to quit eating sugar or drinking coffee in the long run, but I felt the need to cut down a lot after eating bags of candy, lots of soft drinks, lots of energy drinks and coffee on a daily basis. Since I don't believe in my ability to cut down with moderation I reckoned that a total stop for some weeks would be a better approach. As one can see from the picture below, there is no reason to stop using caffeine completely for the rest of my life anyway.

I had my doubts this Tuesday whether I should proceed with the detox, following the suicide of my friend; but I consulted with my peers and reckoned that since the week would suck anyway I might as well do something useful with it.
My findings on the subject is that Caffeine withdrawal is a lot stronger than sugar withdrawal. I have had headaches all week; peaking at Wednesday and the gradually declining. In many ways caffeine withdrawal is similar to smoking weed in my opinion. Both weed smoking and caffeine withdrawal gives me headache, sleepyness, lack of concentration and vivid dreams. I don't like any of them so in my opinion they can keep banning weed as long as they make the stuff I like legal..;)
But now it feels like the headaches will soon be gone, and I feel positive that the weekend and the weeks to come will be a lot better than the week that passed.
//The Master
A tragic death
Last night I got a phone call from Sweden telling me that my best friend had decided to end his life. Out of respect I won't comment this matter further but if you are somehow reading this I just say:
Rest in piece mate; I hope you'll find the peace in death that you never really found in life. See you at the Source!
//The master
Dismal Performance and detox time..
Today it was gameday with Queens Park FC. Last match I praised my own performance and said I was the best player in the team. I can't do that today as I stood for a completely dismal performance in yet another loss for our side.As I was equally awful when I played social tennis this Friday I reckon something needs to be done to change my negative momentum.
The solution to this is a detox where I eat healthy for some time avoding sugar and caffeine (as for caffeine I will still drink coffee the days I am working as caffeine withdrawal is heavy stuff.) After the first three days of hell I will probably get a boost and my momentum back on track.
As for sugar addiction, I can't get why not all fatties out there sort that shit out every now and then. I mean sure you will feel crap and a bottomless depression for three days or so but that's just the bad things leaving the body. After that you'll be fine and in a while you won't be fat and ugly anymore. Definitely a good deal in the long run..:)
That's it
// The Master
I saw my room mate speak!
My room mate from Korea is not a very interesting person. As a matter of fact he is completely uninteresting. Yesterday however an almost unique event occured. He proved able to socialise and speak with people; who would have guessed?
The background was that I was boozing with my house mates, The Selfproclaimed Master Hunter and the American Fisherman, when I realized that the Korean room mate might be able to speak if provided with alcohol and high grade caffeine powder. And the thesis proved correct, he even managed to get a number while hunting later that evening!
So how did the hunting go? Not very well. Few memorable moments. One of them was that I and the Fisherman made out with the same ugly woman. I was drunk and thought "A hole is a goal" more or less. Somehow I managed to offend it, so she went over to the fisherman and said "Do you want to make out to piss him off?" Apparently he complied and then she went home with her friends. Why this would piss me off however I don't know; I reckon it's kind of a funny story with some friends making out with the same ugly woman.
Later that evening I saw something very puzzling; I saw the Fisherman talk to some very ugly women. This would normally mean he's really desperate, but since he has a No Strings Attached relationship with an attractive Brazilian woman (I saw her earlier during the evening she does exist) this cannot be the case. Oh anyway they were so ugly; Imagine yourself uglier versions of Julia Gillard and you get the picture.One can say that I'd rather chew my arm off than banging them. This however, is not true in a literal sense as I obviously prefer banging whatever horrible thing coming my way than becoming a cripple.
Among other things during the evening one can mention The Master Hunter got cranky when introduced as the Master Hunter to various women. This is such bullshit as Master Hunter is a great way to be introduced I reckon. Of course one cannot introduce oneself as a Master Hunter but if a friend does it, it's a great thing as it verifies a persons value in the group and among women.
Unverified sources also claim that a man's attractiveness to a woman can increase by up to 8 per cent if he perceived by her to be attractive to other women. But yeah that's alright he can start introducing me as the Master Hunter instead if he thinks that is a bad thing; I would carry the title with honour!
Soon a soccer match, and since most of hangover stims from heavy overconsumption of caffeine powder, I should be fine.
// The Master
Science Fiction for females and dating with a dimwit.
Yesterday I saw "The Host" a science fiction movie obviously aimed at female audience. Theoretically one would be better at understanding women by watching media aimed at them. Often I find the opposite being the case and this also applies for The Host.
To summarise The Host it's about a future where alien species have taken over the bodies of humans in order to modify their personalities. They clearly have a good purpose with doing this and the entire planet has been transformed to a place with no hunger, no crime and no pollution where everyone treat each other with curtiousy, honesty and respect. So in short the planet has been transformed to a socialist utopia that is very different from the actual communist hellholes from reality.
The next scene is a where the main character tries killing herself as she takes the saying "Rather dead than red" literally and jumps out of a window to avoid having her personality altered. However she does not die from falling five stories crashing on concrete, but instead she is revived and inserted with an Alien personality.
So far so good. But that's only the first five minutes of the movie. Then it went straight down the drain. Because when she wakes up her Alien personality and human personality has a small clash and then she decides to go to a hellhole in the middle of the desert to join up with the human resitance movement led by her uncle. The rest of the movie is basically about how her human and Alien personality clashes as the human side want to "kiss" (Let's assume she wanted hardcore sex which was replaced by the desire to kiss in the movie to get a low age limit) her ex boyfriend while the alien side wants to kiss another guy. And this dilemma is the main focus for the remaining 1 1/2 hours of the movie. Completely uninteresting and such a waste of a movie that could have focused a lot on heaps of more relevant questions.
Questions like
- How did the peaceloving socialist utopia Aliens manage to invade earth in the first place?
- Is freedom to do evil and selfish choices really a good thing to fight for? The Aliens apparently blocked all the evil impulses of human brain but is that necessarily a bad thing?
- What were the long time agenda of the Aliens? How were they organised? Were they a democrazy or a dictatorship?
And some minor ones:
- If there was a war by humans and Aliens why were the Aliens so uninterested in finding the human resistance stronghold that they only sent a small unarmed squad that did not seem very interested in finding the stronghold.
- Why does the Aliens just withdraw their small unarmed search squad after being robbed by the humans and had some of their citizens kidnapped and killed by the resistance.
None of these questions is answered and the movie was completely senseless which is a shame because the backstory is quite interesting I reckon.
And for the boring main topic who to kiss (have sex with). Why not solve that question in two minutes with one of these two easy solutions:
- Have sex with both the men, there seemed to be a shortage of hot women at the resistance camp so I am sure they could have come up with a compromise, that benefited both the human side and the alien side of her personality as well as their respective love interests.
- Have sex with the humans ex boyfriend only. It does not make sense that the Alien would care that much about who she is having sex with anyway.
Moving on today I went to a date with a real dimwit. I thought in advance that it maybe was not a good idea to go on a date with someone who expresses herself as a 12 year old in text messages although she is 26 years old. On the other hand her pictures were hot so as the eternal optimist (or as a truly desperate) I decided to go as she in theory might be a lot smarter in real life. As it turned out, she was not. Apparently her main interest was prank calls, and her job was handing out samples dressed up as ice cream (and she actually enjoyed it) Worse yet she thought it was great idea to spend most of the date texting people (I can imagine a lot of 13 year old girls think that's a great way to behave during a date as well) So all in all a real disaster with a very confusing end. Because when our ways parted she said "I would love to catch up again" which of course might have been sarcasm; but that's also strange as sarcasm still requires some form of intelligence.
Oh well at least I am not disappointed today..:)
// The Master
No medial breakthrough and Psycho of the month
Five months ago I got a dash of hubris and thought I was really hot for no reason in particular. Although it seems strange that I would turn from okay to really hot out of a sudden it's still a more likely event than me winning the Powerball jackpot tonight. Obviously It did not happen but one agency preyed on my hubris by telling my how awesome I looked in order to sell me a $200 package of pictures and agent services. Once the package was sold I was quickly demoted from the promised page 2 for models to page 50 for extras. Since no-one looks that far back in order to find an extra I was grumbling for a while over my defeat and $200 loss. Worse yet all the pictures the agency took of me were so I horrible so I have not even been able to use them for my online hunting! An outrage!
This week however they apparently felt pitiful so they gave me the chance to redeem myself and make my money back by signing me up as an extra for TV advertising. The pay rate was $300 which after agent fee and taxes will probably end up with $200 for me or in other words I get the money back.
So how was it? It was fucking boring. On the other hand since I got $300 for like seven hours it was twice the pay rate of the boredom I usually endure at work.
So what annoyed me? Well that I lost. Because there was 5 men and 5 women. 3 of the women were hot so let’s assume 3 of the men were considered hot as well. I was among the 4 people who got sent home when they took shots were you could actually determine what the extras looked like. Bummer!
Oh well to look at it from the bright side there are far worse things than being considered ugly in a room full of models. If one for instance is the fattest person in a full McDonalds restaurant then one truly has an appropriate reason for self-loathing; so I will definitely celebrate with drinks over my “success” once I get the pay check.:)
Moving on to my next topic “The Psycho of the month”. This is about the guy who wrote to me on a dating website asking if would be interested in selling a pair of used boxers for $100. Since a par of new underwear is like $5 it was an interesting proposition from a business point of view. To be sure he actually meant business I asked if it was an actual business proposition or a strange pickup line. He claimed it was business only as he was bi-curious which in his case meant that he had a girlfriend but liked wearing other men’s used underwear. The appropriate answer to this would be “You are psycho go see a shrink.” But I reckoned that I needed the money more than the shrink does so I told him that the deal was viable and that we could meet up outside the supermarket for the exchange.
The Exchange however never took place. This was due to the psycho gay insisting on the exchange taking place in his dungeon. It’s one thing to deliver the used underwear to the psycho in a public place (Most people would probably refuse that one as well). To deliver to the dungeon however is beyond stupid; provided that one’s dream is not to be raped and molested by a psycho in the psycho’s dungeon.
That’s all for now
// The Master