New Agency, slightly unwelcome phone call and 10 k personal best.

The good news from yesterday was that I signed up for a new work agency. A work agency that supposedly pay extra money in the weekends instead of making things up to avoid doing so. The bad thing was that it was in hospitality and seriously who in their right mind wants to do those jobs for real? Still money runs the world and hopefully they will provide me with a lot of wellpaid weekend shifts carrying plates or whatever..:)
Anyway I also received a slightly unwelcome phone call from a recruitment company in office jobs. to summarise the message was. "HI I am just calling to tell you that I understand that you are frustrated that we don't have any jobs for you, but please keep in contact with us in the future"  which seemed a bit unnecessary to call me about. The fact that she somehow managed to stretch this call to five minutes length made me somehow uncomfortable as I could not see any reason why she called in the first place. It's one thing if I called her and received this massive clicheed message, but a completely different thing if someone calls me with the sole purpose of delivering it. 
On the exercise front I also had some good news as I beat my personal record on a 10k run. I timed in at 48 minutes running on a treadmill. This was not as big deal though as the reason for this being a personal best is that I never do long distance running otherwise. I don't see the point in doing it as it's tedious, boring and outstretched like a bad day of working. From a challenge point of view I might as well run a 3 km or 5 km run at higher pace and finish off as tired but without the hassle of doing it for 50 minutes. Then again some people enjoy long distance running so it's all to one's own I guess.
After my encounter with the embarrasingly obese blob the other day I realized that I might as well kill off the 3 kilos of overweight I have myself. Not that it's a big deal really as I my body is pretty muscular so I don't look fat with 3 kilos overweight but then again there is no reason why I should not go below 90 kilos so I might as well do it. It's also a lot easier to kill of 3 kilos straight in a month or so than accumulating 30 kilos of disgusting fat first and then fail at doing it. I can't see the motivation to why anyone would do that to him/herself being obese is absolutely disgusting and easy to avoid really! 
//The Master


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