Minor Career progression and winter time.

This Wednesday I had some minor career issues. The reason was that I went for "quick" interview as bar attendant at the stadium, but they had forgotten to mention in the E-mail that one was also expected to stick around for a few hours of "training". Since they did not mention this I had a shift booked in at another place. This clash ended with me 
  • Missing half the training
  • Coming late to the shift
  • Paying for a cab fee
Simply not a promising Wednesday.
On the Thursday however things turned for the better as the agency I am working for were not particularly angry so they gave me another shift. I also got the job at the stadium.
When working during the Friday night there was a pretty funny misunderstanding by the way
Customer: Do you sell coke?
Me: (Believing that he was referring to cocaine) Ehh.... No..
Customer: Okay can I have a lemonade then?
Me: Oh you meant the soft drink? Sure I'll get you a coke..

I still don't know if he was actually was looking for cocaine or the soft drink though as the phrase "Do you sell coke?" Seems very strange at a place with prepaid drinks. I mean of course a venue has Coca Cola as a drink option.
On the Saturday I started at the sports stadium. Was the second best hospitality job I have done (Shorething New Years Eve was the best) . My job was suite attendant which basically meant that I provided 20 people in a VIP box with prepaid drinks while they were watching a games of Aussie rules football. A very relaxed job which would be even better if I actually had any interest in Aussie Rules Football. Aussie Rules seems to be a pretty fun sport to watch though, so if I get called in continually I will definitely develop some interest for the sport. Other good things were that the company actually paid the legal award wage which meant that they were paying extra on weekends. Finally the supervisor  was nice to look at and did not make my life miserable.
What does make my life a bit miserable is that winter is here. And one could really tell this year.
May 31st (last day of autumn) 25 and sun
June 1st (First day of winter) 15 and rain.
What's also making me bitter is that my dilemma from last week had the worst possible outcome. Both options went to hell. The one I cared about summarised it with "I like you but we are at very different stages in life"  which is basically sugarcoating for "You are too poor" 
Oh well to force a positive thought into this, with no dates next week I at least have more time to write on my novel "The shadows of Death" which is currently on page 64.
//The Master


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