The Master showed the way, but the Master Hunter got the last word?

Yesterday it was time for bowling and lasertag. From my house: I, Master Hunter, American Fisherman and his Italian roommate was going. Before going there The Master Hunter and The Fisherman bought a box of goon, and I was "persuaded" to have some glasses with them on the way there and while at the venue (yep they smuggled the cask into the place) Well most of the times they failed at their persuasion attempts anyway so no considerable amount of ethanol fell down my throat last night.
On the way to the venue we ended up in the with the same retarded discussion as I have had with a lot of people throughout the years. It's apparently a common belief that the drug ethanol has completely different effects if it's a component in beer or wine or whatever. This is a popular myth which I never have heard anyone actually motivate. Because what would be the active components in beer the make alcohol intoxication of beer different from the alcohol intoxication of wine? I say none!
Now some smartass will claim that they get a lot drunker from say 5 Sambuca shots than they would from 5 beer. This is true for most practical reasons but have nothing to do with different drinks giving different intoxications. Because one could easily skull 5 sambuca shots in like 10 minutes and get heavily intoxicated in a short period. It's a lot more challenging to drink 5 beers in 10 minutes due to the massive amount of water one has to swallow in the process. But to real find out whether Sambuca for instance give another form of intoxication than beer, one would have to water down 5 sambuca shots so they have the same ethanol contents as 5 beers. And then drink them at the same pace as one would drink 5 beer. The results would most likely be that it's the exact same form of intoxication! I am sick of explaining that if the active ingredient is the same, the administration method is the same, then the flavour has nothing to do with the actual effect of the drug!
Note: In some cases however there are more than one active ingredient, As with Absinthe for instance, and in those cases it will obviously be a difference between drinking Absinthe and beer for instance..
Oh well back to the events of last night! We arrived a bit later than I had hoped for so we only had time for 2 games of bowling and 2 games of Lasertag. At bowling we all sucked but the Master Hunter sucked a bit less than the rest of us, so he won. I finished at not so honourable second place with a dismal score.  At the Lasertag I had such awesome rounds! Highly unexpected the place was packed with people so there was a lot of targets. :) I scored an awesome 18302 points both rounds (A strange coincidence that I got the same points both rounds, anyways it equals 2 bases and 163 kills in 15 minutes) With a score like that it was a superior victory and no-one else crossed the 10000 point mark. The Master Hunter did pretty well and finished second one of the games with like 9,000 points. The Italian scored a really good accuracy and also did well.  The American Fisherman sucked bigtime and claimed Lasertag was a lame gay game, in attempt to move focus from his sub-par performance.  
Fueled by his goon induced intoxication the Master Hunter led a hunting party down to Oxford Street.Why he led the party into a gay bar is beyond me, but as it seemed it went better for him than my earlier horrible attempts at hunting women in gay bars. I don't know if he actually managed to nail the only woman in the gay bar, as I was not curious enough to stay. So I left when at the same time the Italian hoisted the white flag to initiate a retreat back home. I could however determine from my position that her body language indicated attraction towards him, which by all means is just the first step, a step one can easily be able to fall off pretty quickly; at least from my own experience. However if the Master Hunter managed to pick up the only woman in the gay bar, it's for sure yet another tally to his record. I guess we'll find out in due time.
//The Master


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